A large boom for investments in hydrogen startups!

17. May 2024

picture: © CYTOK GmbH | AdobeStock_474157828-scaled

Hydrogen technology has received a lot of attention from investors in the last few months. Crunchbase recently published a new study listing these investments.

Particularly impressive:

Australian startup Hysata recently raised 110 million dollar in a Series B-funding round. A few months ago, Denver based Koloma, which specializes in the identification and commercialization of geologic hydrogen resources, secured 246 million dollar also in a Series B-funding round led by Khosla Ventures . This is the largest early-stage investment in the sector to date. In total, more than 3,66 billion dollar have been invested in companies that focused on low-emission hydrogen production.

You can find the study and the article via the following link: https://news.crunchbase.com/clean-tech-and-energy/hydrogen-energy-venture-funding-hysata

We are excited about this positive development!

On Tuesday we were at a Business Angel meeting in Bremen/Germany and gave a pitch of our power-to-gas technology to investors.

All these encourages us in our mission to advance sustainable energy solutions and the associated energy storage. The growing support shows that we are on the right track towards a green and sustainable future for energy supply

Your hydrogen pirates from the Baltic Sea/Germany

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