CYTOK®s Power-to-X Solutions
Your guide to a green, efficient world.
CYTOK offers everything from a single source on the way to zero emissions

Concepts and feasibility studies
Engineering services, simulation and profitability calculations
CYTOK designs your sustainable energy supply systems right from the start. Using the software we have developed, we can realistically simulate and evaluate a wide range of technical designs and framework conditions.
Start your journey to an emission-free future now – Discover how CYTOK® turns your energy visions into reality.
Sustainable solutions for residential complexes and urban districts

A plannable energy supply for commercial properties
Energy Factories – the all-rounders
methane in the form of SNG / CNG / LNG

Biogas plants of the future
Here, the high proportion of CO₂ is used to produce biogas with a high methane purity in the methanation process. The CO₂ is combined with hydrogen to produce methane and is not released into the environment. The methanation process is also known as the Sabatier process.
Our References
Power-to-Gas Pioneer Plant
Since 2020, the Bernsteinsee holiday and leisure area of Bernsteinsee Hotel GmbH in Sassenburg / Lower Saxony has been supplied with green energy thanks to our innovative technology. Our technology largely replaces fossil oil and gas heating systems, saving up to 183 tons of CO₂ annually. More information can be found at Bernsteinsee Sustainability and at Sustainable Energy Supply with power-to-gas
For the Helmholtz Centre Dresden-Rossendorf, CYTOK is conducting a feasibility study including a transformation concept with up to 10 MW electrolysis. By 2035, the complete energy supply is planned to be climate neutral in two expansion stages. CYTOK’s technologies for producing green gases, such as hydrogen and methane, play a central role in this. The facility is to be powered by green electricity from wind and solar plants.