Energy Factories – Factsheet

15. March 2024

picture: © CYTOK GmbH

The new factsheet for our energy factories is now online and available for download. 

A few weeks ago we showed you in a thematic week the processes, the efficiency and benefits of our power-to-gas energy factories.

Now you have the opportunity to get an overview and a summary about them in the new factsheet under the following links: (eng.)  (ger.)

The economic efficiency of our power-to-gas energy factories is optimized through the use of all energies produced. The sector interlinking of heat – electricity – mobility thus becomes a living reality.

Explore the green future of sustainable energy supply with us!

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Weitere Beiträge:

Japanese delegation from our partner GPSS visits our power-to-gas plant

Japanese delegation from our partner GPSS visits our power-to-gas plant

As part of the “Woche des Wasserstoffs 2024”, Tomofumi Ono (CEO of GPSS Engineering Inc.), Shohei Yoshimoto (Executive Director / Division Head of Transnational Business Division of GPSS Holdings Inc.) and Izabela Lopes (Director GPSS Group) visited our running power-to-gas plant at Bernsteinsee Hotel GmbH in Sassenburg.