Request for a 3D Animator/Artist

7. February 2024

picture: © CYTOK GmbH / via AI tool Magic Media (Canva)

CYTOK® is seeking a talented (freelance) 3D Animator/Artist, who specialises in process visualisation/engineering and has references in this field, for a specific project for our power-to-gas energy factories.

As you can see, we have tried an example for an AI-based image of our request, but we don’t have the skills and are definitely not satisfied with it:

That’s why you are wanted!

We are looking for someone with a strong portfolio and expertise in creating captivating 3D animations for the processes in our energy factory. This is a short-term opportunity to collaborate on a unique project with our creative team.

• proven experience in 3D animation for process visualisation/engineering
• strong portfolio showcasing relevant work
• proficiency in design software
• ability to deliver high-quality animations on a specified deadline

How to apply:
If you are a skilled 3D Animator/Artist interested in a opportunity, please submit your resume, portfolio/references and a brief cover letter outlining your experience to:

Your hyrdogen pirates from the Baltic Sea/Germany

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Weitere Beiträge:

Japanese delegation from our partner GPSS visits our power-to-gas plant

Japanese delegation from our partner GPSS visits our power-to-gas plant

As part of the “Woche des Wasserstoffs 2024”, Tomofumi Ono (CEO of GPSS Engineering Inc.), Shohei Yoshimoto (Executive Director / Division Head of Transnational Business Division of GPSS Holdings Inc.) and Izabela Lopes (Director GPSS Group) visited our running power-to-gas plant at Bernsteinsee Hotel GmbH in Sassenburg.