Summary and key factores of the CYTOK® power-to-gas energy factories

2. February 2024

picture: © CYTOK GmbH

We round up our thematic week with a summary of the key factores of our power-to-gas energy factories.

  • Conversion of hydrogen and external CO₂ into more manageable synthetic methane
  • CO₂ recycling for repeated synthetic methane production
  • Production of e-fuels for the transport sector
  • Energy factories can be scaled according to demand
  • Decentralised use of energy, relieves pressure on the power grid
  • Regional value creation
    • direct and indirect jobs are created
    • industry/citizens get favourable energy costs
    • creates acceptance (citizen participations)
  • Utilisation of process heat (local heating grid)

We hope you enjoy our thematic week about our power-to-gas energy factory!

Now you know: Our energy factories are all-rounders


You can find out more about our power-to-x technology via the following link:

… and more about our solutions via the following link:

Your hydrogen pirates from the Baltic Sea/Germany

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Weitere Beiträge:

Japanese delegation from our partner GPSS visits our power-to-gas plant

Japanese delegation from our partner GPSS visits our power-to-gas plant

As part of the “Woche des Wasserstoffs 2024”, Tomofumi Ono (CEO of GPSS Engineering Inc.), Shohei Yoshimoto (Executive Director / Division Head of Transnational Business Division of GPSS Holdings Inc.) and Izabela Lopes (Director GPSS Group) visited our running power-to-gas plant at Bernsteinsee Hotel GmbH in Sassenburg.