Empower tomorrow – Invest now in CYTOK®s clean energy revolution!

KI - Investment - Invest Zuschuss für Wagniskapital FÖRDERFÄHIG

24. September 2024

The recent events, such as our Power-to-Gas Summit on September 5th, the many positive responses and project inquires have impressively confirmed, that our patented power-to-gas systems are exactly what the market is looking for. We offer our customers an emission-free solution as bridging technology on the path towards a fully developed hydrogen economy.

By converting self-generated hydrogen into synthetic methane, existing natural gas plants and infrastructure can continue to be used.

Emission-free and independent with proven technology – we use the advantages but avoid the disadvantages of hydrogen and our plants are ready for immediate use.

The market exists and the customers are there – our growth now depends on the ability to finance the company’s continued development.

Support us to ignite the turbo!

With fresh capital from subordinated loans, we would like to rapidly advance the standardization of our systems in a modular container solution and build up personnel in order to be able to handle the upcoming orders and tasks.

Reasons to invest in CYTOK®:

• Top interest from 9.5% on your capital with CYTOK®

• Invest in deep tech “Made in Germany”:

– future technology power-to-gas with patented unique selling point

– systems already in proven use with satisfied customers

– market leadership through more than 10 years of research and development

– international interest in our expertise, technology and patents

• Investment in a growing company with a strong order situation.

• Invest in clean technology – your contribution to the clean energy of tomorrow!

CYTOK® is more than just an investment – it’s a commitment to sustainable growth. Let’s build a cleaner future together!

Find out more about our investment opportunities: https://cytok.de/en/investment-2/

Contact us at for personalized investment opportunities.

Eure hydrogen pirates von der Ostseeküste

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