Sustainable energy supply with power-to-gas

Our practical proof at the holiday and leisure area Bernsteinsee Hotel

(the english version of the video is being edited and will be online soon)

Our plant at Bernsteinsee stores the energy from surplus solar power in the form of synthetic natural gas (SNG). Our plant produces this from hydrogen and CO₂. The Hotel Bernsteinsee can therefore use 100% of its solar power and does not have to feed in any surplus.

The SNG can be burned emission-free in commercially available CHPs and condensing boilers. Thanks to our unique closed combustion using an adapted oxyfuel process, 100% CO₂ is produced during combustion. The CO₂ remains in the system and is reused to produce SNG. This creates a sustainable, clean energy solution with a closed SNG and CO₂ cycle.

If you would like to experience our power-to-gas technology live on site at Bernsteinsee, please contact us by e-mail at .

The steps of our power-to-gas technology explained in detail:

CYTOK Solutions

Step 1:


The surplus PV electricity is used to break down water into its components H₂ and O₂ in an electrolyzer. The hydrogen is used for the production of synthetic natural gas.
The oxygen is stored for use in closed combustion.

This step shows how solar energy can be converted into a new form that can be used flexibly.

Step 2:

Here, synthetic natural gas is produced by synthesizing hydrogen and CO. This process is known as methanation.

By using green PV electricity, this process is emission-free and enables flexible use of the solar energy generated.

CYTOK Solutions
CYTOK Solutions

Step 3:



The SNG produced in the second step is compressed and stored in normal pressure tanks.. This storage enables a large and independent availability of renewable energy.

This allows for flexible demand to provide electricity and heat on demand. This means that surplus energy can also be used efficiently and long-term at a later date.

Step 4:

Closed Combusition


To reuse the stored energy, the SNG is converted into heat and electricity in CHPs and condensing boilers. With our modified oxyfuel process, 100% CO₂ is generated during the closed combustion of SNG.

In this adapted process, oxygen and a certain amount of CO₂ are used as combustion air. By excluding air during combustion, no nitrogen oxides are produced and only CO₂ and water vapor remain as combustion products. The water is removed and the CO₂ obtained in this way is stored. The CO₂ is used to produce SNG again.

CYTOK Solutions
CYTOK Solutions

Step 5:
Intelligent control


In the control center, our energy management takes over the fully automatic control of all processes.

This guarantees safe and automatic operation of the system and ensures efficient use of the stored PV electricity.

More References

Power-to-Gas Summit 2024

Our Power-to-Gas Summit on 5 September 2024 at Lake Bernstein brought together experts and political stakeholders to discuss the sustainable energy future. A highlight was the awarding of power-to-gas certificates…

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